27 Oct 2016
celiac disease around the world

Celiac Disease involves the ingestion of gluten leading to harm in the small intestine. When an individual who has this genetic autoimmune disorder eats gluten (a protein that is found in wheat, rye and barley), the body reacts with an immune response that attacks the villi which lines the small intestine. The job of the villi is nutrient […]

20 Oct 2016
gluten free halloween recipe

Crunchy leaves underfoot, pumpkin carving and steaming cider can only mean one thing- it’s almost time for Halloween! This year surprise your little goblins and ghouls with this fun and healthy dip served up with apple slices and Three Bakers gluten free Chocolate Chocolate Chip Snackers. It’s a snap to pull together leaving you plenty of […]

13 Oct 2016

There are many people in the world who have no choice but to abstain from gluten due to Celiac disease or just downright unpleasant symptoms. However, many celebrities are choosing to go gluten free not just because of a medical diagnosis, but to reap the benefits of removing gluten from the diet. Jennifer Aniston, Victoria […]