26 Jun 2018
gluten-free kids

Remember summer camp? The games, bunkhouse pranks, and the food! Endless pancakes for breakfast, and hotdogs on a soft bun for lunch. S’mores over the campfire. Camp was a gluten-filled, carefree time. Sending a gluten-free child off to summer camp can be downright scary. As a mom of a gluten-free child, you plan meals, you […]

06 Jun 2018
gluten free travel

Are you planning to travel with your gluten-free family this summer? Being on vacation does not mean that you have to give up your gluten-free lifestyle.  With just a little bit of forethought, you can have a stress-free and gluten-free time away. Tandy HogateTandy Hogate is a work from home wife, mom of four, and […]