02 Nov 2017
celiac disease conditions

Celiac disease has only recently gained enough exposure as to where people are starting to recognize the condition and its symptoms. However, many people still do not realize that there are many other conditions that are closely related to celiac disease. These conditions also deserve attention and awareness. We’ve put together a list of conditions you […]

14 Sep 2017
celiac disease food list

A gluten intolerance iѕ thе body’s inability tо digest оr break dоwn thе gluten protein found in wheat аnd сеrtаin оthеr grains. Gluten intolerance (also knоwn аѕ a gluten sensitivity) саn range frоm a mild sensitivity tо gluten tо full-blown celiac disease.  Aссоrding tо thе National Institute оf Diabetes аnd Digestive аnd Kidney Diseases, аbоut […]

12 Jun 2017
is celiac disease life threatening

By now you likely know that celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder caused by damage to the lining of the small intestine. This damage occurs when the specific substance, gluten, is consumed. Found in rye, wheat, barley and even some oats, gluten attacks the lining and prohibits the intestine from performing its necessary job of absorbing necessary components […]

17 Apr 2017
gluten free bread

Whether you are gluten sensitive or just want to eat healthier, gluten free bread can help you meet your nutrition and diet goals. With the increase in awareness of gluten sensitivity, celiac disease and consumers seeking healthier choices, gluten free grain products have become more common in mainstream grocery stores as well as specialty food […]

26 Jan 2017
celiac desease 101

This post was originally published by our founder, Jane Trygar in 2014. The information provided is still relevant and helpful today.  When I was diagnosed with celiac disease, I wasn’t sure what to do. So, like anyone who needs answers, I turned to the internet. What I found was a lot of information. Information I […]