23 Feb 2017
gluten free flour substitutes

This post has been updated from the original which appeared on this blog in 2014.  We spent a lot of time discovering our perfect blend of gluten-free flour. We made a lot of dry, crumbly gluten-free pizza crusts before we perfected the delicious, doughy one’s we now sell. As long-time professional bakers, we had it […]

26 Jan 2017
celiac desease 101

This post was originally published by our founder, Jane Trygar in 2014. The information provided is still relevant and helpful today.  When I was diagnosed with celiac disease, I wasn’t sure what to do. So, like anyone who needs answers, I turned to the internet. What I found was a lot of information. Information I […]

07 Oct 2014
talking to my doctor about celiac disease

Getting an accurate diagnosis is often the painful part of people’s gluten-free story. I know it was for me. Once you understand what’s wrong with your body, you’re empowered to make healthy choices. But misdiagnoses can be as terrifying as they are dangerous. It’s a lot easier to find a favorite brand of gluten-free frozen […]

04 Aug 2014
questions about gluten free eating

We’ve all heard them before, for some reason, people have a hard time understanding how a gluten-free person lives. While it’s not your job to act as a representative for celiacs everywhere, you might want to be ready with answers to the following questions. “So what can you eat?” I’m a pretty patient person, but […]

05 May 2014

The first time you go shopping after starting a strict gluten-free diet can be a little terrifying. Turning over your favorite packaged foods becomes an exercise in confusion and  disappointment. ‘Not made with gluten ingredients’? ‘Made in a facility that also processes wheat’? What does it all mean? Reading food labels is an important part […]