21 Mar 2017
healthy living tips

Winter. This time of year it’s easy to hunker down. With cold temperatures, the desire to curl up by the fire, cook up comfort food and be sedentary, it can be hard to make healthy living a priority when all you want to do is hibernate. However, longer days and warmer weather are nearly here which means more time outside, enjoying garden veggies and soaking up the sun. Spring is a time for renewal! Time for New Year’s Resolutions, part two, and we have a few healthy living tips for you to consider. 

Spring Renewal – Healthy Living Tips

Drink More Water

If you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you know you should drink water. But do you consciously drink it throughout the day or just with meals? If you want to live a more healthy life, drink more water to flush toxins out of your body and carry necessary nutrients to your cells. Dehydration can make you tired and drain you of energy. Try to drink a glass for every hour and keep a bottle with you whenever you go somewhere.

Eat Fruits/Veggies Every Meal

Plan on eating fruits and/or vegetables every time you sit down for a meal. You will be doing your body a favor when it comes to disease prevention and you will more likely get the nutrients you need for fuel. Keep easy snacks with you like bananas, apples, and baby carrots to munch between meals as well.

Get More Bang for Your Nutritional Buck

Make every bite count. We all know that whole grains have more health benefits than refined grains, but we suggest taking it a step further by incorporating ancient grains. Consider nutrition-rich breads, such as our 7 Ancient Grains or Max Omega, replacing white rice with quinoa, and substituting millet for oatmeal. Ancient grains contain loads of essential vitamins, particularly B vitamins, minerals like magnesium and potassium. You’ll feel fuller faster and longer, and reap the nutritional rewards to boot.

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Stretch Daily

Many people have desk jobs that require a lot of sitting. Make an effort to stretch once or even more than once a day. Stretching increases your energy and gives you a wider range of motion in your joints. It is good for relaxation, stress relief, and circulation. You can do it anywhere in just a few moments a day.

Make Movement Essential

The CDC recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, which may not be realistic for a lot of people. However, getting to the top requires lots of small steps, so … consider parking further away, taking the stairs, walking during a work call, or powering around the block when you have a quick 10-minute break. Getting those extra steps in may not seem like much, but they can add up!

Sleep More

Sleep isn’t an optional part of the healthy living tips. Everyone knows they need to sleep, but you need to ensure that you get 8 hours a day. Sleep is critical to your immune system metabolism memory, and overall vital functions. Schedule enough time to get enough sleep and your healthy body will thank you.

Have Fun

Laughing and smiling are one of those healthy living tips you will really enjoy. Make sure you have fun in your life in order to feel like a healthy, well-rounded individual on a daily basis.

Living a healthy life can be a challenge, but with goals in place, you can reach your achievements, and feel great this spring.


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