- BY Susan Tucker
- POSTED IN Gluten-Free Life, Information

If someone you know and love has been diagnosed with celiac disease, all you want to do is help them. They have to walk the path, but that doesn’t mean you can’t walk alongside them, supporting them along the way. What should you do? What is most helpful? Here are a few ways you can help your friend with celiac disease.
How to Support a Friend with Celiac Disease
Get Educated
The first thing to do is learn more about the disease yourself so you can offer the kind of support your friend is going to need. They might want to talk to someone about general or specific issues and you will understand the lingo and have the knowledge to have a good discussion with them.
Here are some quick references:
- Celiac Disease 101
- Celiac Disease in Children- What to Know, What to Do
- Celiac Disease Research: Your Role is Bigger than You Think
- How to Identify Symptoms of Celiac Disease
Support Changes
If your friend has to eat gluten free foods and adjust away from certain favorites, they are in for a challenge. Support them by making those changes along with them. Have gluten free options whenever they are around and eat them with your friend. Go gluten free when they are around so you can support what they have to do.
These resources may help:
- Our Top Picks – Best Foods For Celiac Disease
- Five Foods High in Gluten
- Gluten Free Comfort Food Recipes
Never Control
You might feel protective over your friend’s illness, but that can be irritating for your friend. Remember that your friend is in control of their own decisions and they don’t need you to be overbearing. Offer support and don’t try to make decisions for them.
Don’t Alienate
When your friend has celiac disease, you might feel bad inviting them over for pizza night if they can’t eat it along with everyone else. Don’t alienate them out of opportunities. Instead, try to accommodate their illness by getting gluten free issues, but don’t make a fuss over it in front of everyone.
Have a Gluten-Free Zone
Have a place in your kitchen that stores gluten-free foods away from others. You don’t want cross contamination becoming an issue with the foods that are gluten-free. Support their lack of gluten by ensuring the gluten-free items you have on hand are really gluten-free.
These resources may help:
- Tips for Setting Up Your Gluten Free Kitchen
- Making Your Kitchen Gluten-Free: Our Guide to Preparing Your Gluten-Free Kitchen
- Our Tips For Avoiding Gluten Cross Contamination
Celiac disease is something your friend has to deal with, but that doesn’t mean you can’t offer as much support as someone from outside looking in can. With these tips in collaboration with your friend, your support can mean the world to them.
Disclaimer: This information is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. All material provided on this Site is provided for information purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition, before undertaking any diet, exercise, other health program, or other procedure set out on this Site.