- BY Susan Tucker
- POSTED IN Gluten-Free Life

What a fantastic year 2015 has been! We have revamped our website, rolled out distribution into Publix, and have grown our online community tenfold! As we head into 2016, we wanted to quickly say THANK YOU for your continued support of our gluten free products. Our promise is to continually bake gluten free products that are both healthy and great tasting.
Find out which blog posts were our biggest hits of 2015 and be sure to let us know what you’d like to learn about in 2016, too!
Recovering From Gluten Contamination
By Jane Trygar
Anyone who has been ‘glutened’ knows it only takes a teeny tiny bit of the stuff to make you feel absolutely miserable. I experienced my first ‘glutening’ on a family vacationing to Disney World.
Our waiter seemed receptive to the explanation of my disease – please use all gluten-free ingredients and prepare my food in a separate space with separate utensils. Check and check.
He brought out a basket of “gluten-free” rolls and I took a bite. With one taste I knew something was up. I spit the roll into my napkin and dashed for the bathroom. Within an hour, I was sick to my stomach. It took me a full two months to recover.
Most celiacs I know have had several similar experiences during their lifetime. Having to fortify yourself against accidentally ingesting gluten goes hand in hand with developing self-care practices for the occasional accident.
During my time with celiac disease, I’ve found these eight tips to be particularly helpful towards gluten-recovery. I hope this help you, but remember – everyone is different. When recovering from a glutening, the absolute best thing to do is listen to your own body and do what makes you feel better.
6 Best Gluten Free Flour Substitutes
We spent a lot of time discovering our perfect blend of gluten-free flour. We made a lot of dry, crumbly gluten-free pizza crusts before we perfected the delicious, doughy one’s we now sell.
As long-time professional bakers, we had it (relatively!) easy. Dan and I already had years of experience with the science of baking. An absolute novice jonesing to get their hands dirty with gluten-free baking may very well resign themselves to a life of flourless chocolate cakes and no-bake cookies after failed attempts at one recipe or another.
To these frustrated individuals I say, “Don’t give up!”
There are so many gluten-free flours to choose from that you may find the most overwhelming part of gluten-free baking is figuring out which to use.
Others have put together wonderful lists of all the gluten-free flours along with their various pros, cons, and blending options. I wanted to offer you an introduction to my six favorite gluten free flour substitutes – the ones that we use most frequently and successfully in our breads, buns, and pizzas.
Making Your Kitchen Gluten Free – Our Guide to Preparing Your Gluten-Free Kitchen
Note: For this resource, we are assuming that you have chosen to make your household 100% gluten-free. Scroll to the bottom of this post for posts on creating a safe household while living with gluten eaters.
If you hate cleaning normally, you’re going to loathe the deep cleaning required to rid your kitchen of gluten.
It’s not fun – cleaning never is – but it’s something that you need to do if you want to heal your intestines.
Plus, you don’t have to do everything at once. Block out 3 – 4 hours this weekend to get started with the basics. Once you’ve created a small space that you can use safely, you can continue to clean over time until your whole kitchen is a gluten-free safe haven.
8 Gluten Free Celebrities
We are a culture obsessed with celebrities. Between social media platforms and shelves packed with glossy magazines, we’re inundated with images of singers, actors, and heiresses whether we want to be or not.
Worshipping this parade of people that are both richer and more beautiful than seemingly physically possible (thanks, Photoshop!) can be a big waste of time. However, some celebrities have harnessed their visibility to provide a platform for issues near and dear to their hearts… and small intestines.
While some Hollywood fixtures are touting ‘gluten-free’ as a fad diet for weight loss and better skin, others actually have celiac disease. They don’t eat gluten because it makes them sick, just like us.
Here are 9 celebrities with celiac disease…
6 Gluten-Free Lunch Ideas for Kids
The need to avoid gluten adds another layer of difficulty to preparing healthy lunches for home or school that your kids will actually eat. These lunch ideas are packed with kid appeal, contain no gluten and can easily be enjoyed on the go.
Here are six gluten-free lunch ideas you can start enjoying right away.
Where to Find Gluten-Free Sources of Fiber
For those who suffer from a gluten allergy, maintaining a well-balanced diet can become a complex feat. Indeed, it’s often not until you’re told to refrain from consuming gluten, that you come to the realization in terms of just how many products are actually gluten filled. That being said, difficult is by no means impossible. While it may take a bit more reading and research on behalf of each consumer, it is entirely possible to eat a gluten-free, balanced diet. The following represents the best ways to find gluten-free sources of fiber.
Here’s to a happy, healthy and successful 2016!