- BY Susan Tucker
- POSTED IN Gluten-Free Life

The holiday season is on its way, and it is a busy time of the year. You have to shop for gifts, buy decorations, go to holiday parties and be extra careful to stay gluten free during all of this. It can be easy to get swept up in the day-to-day activities associated with the season, and find yourself with feelings of stress and overwhelm.
Here are some easy shifts you can make that will help make for a stress-free holiday.
Take Care of Your Body
It can be easy to get caught up in the festivities of the season and allow our bodies to take a back burner. We can end up eating too much food that is rich and fatty, and the wine can certainly flow a little easier when family and good friends come together. But, as we all know, these overindulgences can take a toll on your body and that can lead to higher stress levels. There are a few things you can do to offset the unavoidable overindulgence: exercise regularly, eat as clean as you can most of the time, drink plenty of water and get good sleep.
Seek Simplicity
There need not be fancy food, nor should you spend a small fortune on decorations. A fire in the fireplace can set the mood and fresh flowers or greens are beautiful anywhere in the house; it’s the people that make the holiday.
Survive Socially
No doubt you’ll be invited to or involved in many social activities this season, and for some, that can be a stressful proposition itself. To reduce your stress in social situations, here are a few tips: don’t over-commit to events, speak to one person at a time (rather than a group), offer to help out in the kitchen, and give yourself space to breathe.
Test Time Savers
The holidays tend to fill ones to-do list to the max, which can be quite stressful. Organize your time in a way such that you never feel like you’re behind the ball. You can do this by: preparing a budget and gift list ahead of time, shop online, prep food in advance, or pick a theme gift everyone the same thing (such as pajamas or table settings).
Express Gratitude
In recent years, there have been hundreds of studies documenting the social, physical, and psychological benefits of gratitude. Gratitude can make us happier, aid in good health, reduce anxiety and depression, strengthen relationships, foster deeper community connections and help us to sleep better. Gratitude helps us to refocus on what we have, rather than what we do not have and can be a powerful “tool” during the holidays.
Ask For Help
You are not alone in this world. If you feel overwhelmed, ask someone for help. It could be a close friend or someone in your family, do not be afraid to ask them to take some of the weight off your shoulders.
When the holidays come around, there is fun, but also there is stress. You can solve some of the stress that you feel this time of the year with these few tips. Then you can relax and enjoy the season.